jazz - 22 - sydney - lifestyle blogger
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29 Oct 2014

Make Your Own: Maison Michel Lace Fascinator Ears

So it's the end of October and that means two things; the countdown to the Melbourne Cup (if you attend it) and the fast approaching Halloween holiday (if you celebrate it). In other words, a whole lot of dressing up to do!

I first laid eyes on the whimsical Maison Michel lace ears while watching the Real Housewives of Melbourne earlier in the year, and naturally it aroused my head piece fetish. Both innocently sexy and ultra classy, I was obsessed and I wanted my own. So I made them! And you can too! And to prove just how "must have" these pieces are, original Michel ears will set you back just over $400 but these babies cost me under $30! Check it out below.

19 Oct 2014

Nailed It: Sparkling Spring Nails

It's Spring Time! But it ain't spring without a little bit of sparkle!

I just purchased some insanely cheap pastel colours from Essence ($2!) and I'm in love! I've been experimenting more with geometric nail art designs and two tone shades with a touch of glitter - perfect for this bright weather! I'm not normally a fan of bright colours, so I think minty pastels keep it fresh and easy on the eye, plus glitter makes everything better, so why not! Here's how:

18 Oct 2014

HOW TO: Pull a Successful All-Nighter

DISCLAIMER: Before I begin I just want to mention I do not recommend these habits for everyday. This is purely advised for those really awful times we decide to put life before studies, and rightfully so, but eventually need to pull our socks up and get work done!

So why an "all-nighter"? Well, how often do we find ourselves wanting to sit down and write a report on something of little interest at the sensible time of 8pm, at a delightfully appropriate TWO WEEKS before due date? Who actually LIVES like that!? (although having said that, I desperately admire you guys and want whatever anti-procrastination magic you're on). But really, an all-nighter, despite the incredible stress inducing anxiety it offers, is something we will inevitably consider at least once in our lives, and it doesn't have to be as bad as it sounds! I find that window of time past midnight is always productively silent. Nobody updates their feeds on Facebook,  no one is up texting or calling, the TV is hopefully turned off, and the house is...well it's actually eerily silent :/ but HEY! that in itself can keep you awake and focused!

So if you are approaching that crowded assessment period, or exams are creeping up on you, here are a few tips I have to make that nasty all-nighter that little bit more successful - as tried and tested by me!

Currently Reading:

